
The KJV Standard Lesson Commentary, 2018–2019 is unavailable, but you can change that!

The KJV® Standard Lesson Commentary® (SLC) is perfect as the primary resource for an adult Sunday school class and personal study or as a supplemental resource for any curriculum that follows the ISSL/Uniform Series (ISSL). The SLC combines thorough Bible study with relevant examples and questions to provide 52 weeks of lessons in 1 volume.

31. Do we then make void the law through faith? God forbid: yea, we establish the law. We are wrong to think that Paul is trashing the Jewish law so that it is to be jettisoned from the church altogether. His intention has never been to sever the church from its foundation in Jewish Scripture. Were he alive today, Paul would insist that the Old Testament has an indispensable place in the church. Without it, the concepts of sin, sacrifice, atonement, righteousness, and divine justice would have no
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